Cost of Living for Students in Germany

Cost of Living for Students in Germany


Public transportation is highly efficient and widely used by students. Many universities include a semester ticket for public transportation in the semester contribution, allowing unlimited travel within the region.

Without the semester ticket, a monthly public transportation pass costs between €60 and €100, depending on the city.

Health Insurance

Health insurance is required for all students in Germany. Students under 30 years old and enrolled in a degree program can benefit from public health insurance, which costs around €110 per month.

Private health insurance is also available but tends to be more expensive. Ensure you have valid health insurance, as it is a requirement for enrollment at universities.

Study Materials and Miscellaneous Costs

Students should budget for study materials such as books, supplies, and printing costs, which can amount to about €50 to €100 per month.

Additionally, having a buffer for miscellaneous expenses like clothing, entertainment, and social activities is important. This can range between €100 and €200 per month, depending on your lifestyle.

Cost of Living in Major Cities

The cost of living can differ significantly across different cities in Germany. Here’s a breakdown of estimated monthly expenses in some popular student cities:


  • Accommodation: €400 to €800
  • Food: €200 to €300
  • Transport: €80
  • Total: €800 to €1,200


  • Accommodation: €500 to €900
  • Food: €250 to €350
  • Transport: €100
  • Total: €1,000 to €1,400


  • Accommodation: €450 to €850
  • Food: €200 to €300
  • Transport: €90
  • Total: €900 to €1,300


  • Accommodation: €400 to €800
  • Food: €200 to €300
  • Transport: €90
  • Total: €900 to €1,300


  • Accommodation: €250 to €450
  • Food: €150 to €250
  • Transport: €80
  • Total: €600 to €900

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